Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Film Evaluation

Film Synopsis:

Sunshine. The smell of the warm, salty, air. As you walk down the sand to the waters edge, you feel the cool water on your toes. IT sounds like paradise. Although something are to good to be true. As Kate and Levi win a competition and a holiday to an uninhabited island they are beyond excited. The couple soon discover that they are not the only people on the island. They are soon put to the test as they fight for their life on the holiday from hell.

Has your film been edited to engage the audience initially and to establish the tone of the piece?

Initially the tones in the film were very harsh and somewhat represented normal life. However I wanted to create a sense of dream and mystery, softer tones were then need to create this. The contrast and brightness was changed to create the soft feeling.

What are you going to do to engage the audience? Describe the sounds, lighting, shot types and effects that fit with the genre of your film and how you will incorporate these at the start of your film.

Different angles are important as they ensure that the audience connects as they feel that they get a good idea of the environment that is getting filmed. Sound is important as it sets the mood for the audience it usually the first thing that the audience connects with.

Have you carefully chosen audio to suit the pace of the project?
Describe the audio and the pace

I had the audio in mind when filming the film. As I had an idea of what I wanted to shoot. The pace is very slow and clam creating a strong mood for the film.

Describe the pace of your music and the type of shots (close-up, mid, high, etc) that you will be creating to fit with the music

Have you included credits at the start or end of your film?
What information should be included here?

No. They were not needed

Is the film edited to appropriately suit the rhythm of the scene? Describe the use of techniques such as selective timing and length of shots (either action or sound)

Yes. The change of scene is appropriate to the music.

Emotional intention
Have you edited the footage to create heightened expression and audience responses? Describe how you are going to achieve this. i.e. cross dissolves, graphic matches, effects etc

I used dissolves in order create that free flowing sense between each scene. Therefore adding to the mood of the film.

Editing techniques
Have you created links between shots and throughout the film to emotionally engage the viewer with your story ( i.e. is your film tied together through theme, colour, story, objects etc?)

No they weren't needed.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

1. What Genre will you be creating a poster for?

2. What colour scheme would suit this particular genre?
The colour scheme is cool tones as it features different shades of blue and green.
3. What texures and type of shapes would best suit this genre?
There are a range of textures within the image most are rough due to the trees and some are soft due to the clouds and the water.
4. Who is the intended audience for your website?
People who are interested in traveling to different places.
5. After looking at the websites
Da Font OR 1001 FONTS
Which fonts would suit your film genre?
Something that is bold or block letters as it would create a good contrast between the organic shapes in the image.

What is an appropriate title for your film?

Slogan: "From where you would rather be"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reflection on possible career opportunities in the media industry

Such careers in the media industry include, animation, game design, web content, art design, graphic design, video, music and presentation. Essentially, multimedia encompasses anything involving text, graphic art, video, music and animation. These are usually computer-generated and are creative, catchy, memorable, and will try to appeal to multiple senses. The purpose of multimedia is to produce content for entertainment, presentation or advertising.

Discuss an issue of concern in the industry and include an article in your journal e.g. Privacy, copyright laws, viruses,

Cyber bullying

This article from the Melbourne Age reveals the dangerous world of social network and how it is used by bullies. The growth in media has enabled such things to take place. Bullying is becoming easier as it allows the bully to get to their victim without a face to face confrontation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bitmap: Pixelates as zoom in
Vector: Stays clear when you soom in

Logo Design:

Pixels per inch and the clarity of the screen.

Htm: refers to website files HTML is the code of which is used to create websites

Copyright Laws:

10% of the original. After 50yrs the artwork can be appropriated.

Your Brain and Technology
I rely on my phone, computer and i use those things to be social, entertainment and school work.

Pros and Cons

Pro you would talk to people face to face
Con you dont talk to people face to face
Pro Connect the world


You have to be creative in order to succeed these days. As knowledge is not so important anymore.

Everyone is becoming fat and lazy due to the fact that technology is becoming so convenient.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Imovie Revision Test

1. Describe how you import footage to the timeline
using a usb or fire wire cable, plug the camera into the computer, Drag the footage into the clips or file import.

2. When you open a new project what type of project should you choose and what settings are appropriate for this program?
HD1080i, Save to the Hard drive

3. How many frames per second do you need to set this project too in Imovie’s preferences?
Preferences then change to 25 frames per second
4. How do you separate and remove the audio from the footage?
right click then extract audio. Right click then show clip Volume levels

5. Describe the process of uploading a sound effect from a website and bringing it into your timeline
Find sound effect then click on sound the save as quicktime movie
6. Does IMOVIE have a help desk?.. discuss how you have used it for one particular question

7. How do you cut a piece of footage from the timeline?

8. Discuss what the functions are of these two buttons

One is clips and the other is timeline.

9. When you adjust this line what does it do to your project
Zooms in on selected shots

10. What would you use these two buttons for?
Camera: If you have a firewire cable pluged in. This will appear

11. Describe what each of these menu items do
12. In the editing menu you will find these sub menus. Describe what each of these menus allows you to do

13. What is the function of this button

14. What do these viewing functions allow you to do
Play, Rewind, Full-screen.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Worksheet Film
1. On the right are some of the ways we classify films. On the left are some film titles. Match
each title with the most appropriate kind of film from the column on the right.


The Simpsons

a thriller

a romantic comedy


a historical film

a (Hollywood) musical

a disaster movie

a horror film


a war film

Science Fiction


a documentary


2. Here are some of the categories for the annual Academy Award Winners. Each winner gets an Oscar. Look back over the past few years – not just this year – and note down who you would give your awards to for as many as you can of the categories below.

Best film – Avatar
Best Actor – Leonardo DiCaprio
Best Actress - Katherine Heigl
Best Supporting Actor – Heath Ledger
Best Supporting Actress - Keira Knightley
Best Director – James Cameron
Best Original Screenplay (script) – Inception
Best Screen Adaptation – The Shawshank Redemption
Best Cinematic Photography – the 007 introduction
Best Editing – The Wild Bunch
Best Special Effects – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1.
Best Original Score (music) - The social network
Best Costumes / Wardrobe – Alice in Wonderland

Best Title Sequence / Credits - Superbad
Best Short (film) – Ten Minutes
Crew Structure

Producer: ALL

A film producer creates the conditions for making movies. The producer initiates, coordinates, supervises and controls matters such as raising funding, hiring key personnel, and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of the filmmaking process from development to completion of a project.

Director: SOPHIE

The director is responsible for overseeing the creative aspects of a film, including controlling the content and flow of the film's plot, directing the performances of actors, organizing and selecting the locations in which the film will be shot, and managing technical details such as the positioning of cameras, the use of lighting, and the timing and content of the film's soundtrack.

Costume/Props set designer: HOLLY

Sound designer:BINDI

The sound designer, or "supervising sound editor", is in charge of the post-production sound of a movie. Sometimes this may involve great creative license, and other times it may simply mean working with the director and editor to balance the sound to their liking.

Film editor:ALL
The film editor is the person who assembles the various shots into a coherent film, with the help of the director.

Camera operator/s: SOPHIE/BINDI

Story board designer: ALL

Script designer: ALL

Title of film: DEVIL TEARS

Synopsis: "A synopsis is a summary given in brief terms that covers the major points of your film. Synopses are usually more in-depth than a mere "summary", and aim to give a fair idea of the topic."

- A girl is the main idea of the video. The guy singing the song is talking about her. Shes on the beach and she remembers the good times they used to have. It flashes back into the old times with him and her together having fun. She has the bracelet he gives her and she drops it into the ocean because she knows its over and shes never getting it back. Then the end scene is her walking down the beach because she knows shes not getting him back. The video clip on a whole is not meant to be a happy film clip, but reflect the way the guy and the girl are both feeling about each other.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Making A Video

List the jobs done by the following members of the video production (creative team’
1. Executive producer:time line and budget
2. Writer: Writes the script
3. Producer:In charge of the creative team, secures the service of the production crew, shooting schedules, in charge of making the film on time and within budget.
4. Director:Directs the cast and crew, tells people what to do. Explains the performance to the production crew, has the final say.
5. Production manager: Co-ordinates the production and make sure that it's running smoothly and on time.
6. Storyboard artist: Works in collaboration with the director and producer to create the scenes.
7. Camera operator:Shoots the required scenes as the director, directs.
8. Sound technician: Make sure that different sound and dialogue. are properly recorded. The have to make sure that microphones and sound levels are correct.They are involved in the final sound mix.
9. Talent: Actors, Presenters and performers.They are whats in the movie.
10. Editor: They finish off the video, music, graphics, special effects, making it shorter or longer.
Lighting: Looks after and creates different lights.

11. Define brief: Intention, Purpose and target audience.


12. What is the purpose of the pre production stage? Is when plans of the shooting are put into place. Scripting, deveolping a scene breakdown, storyboard, shot list, casting, casting, locations. Equipment hire, catering, transport, informing people.
13. What are some of the tasks done in the pre production stage? They have to be organised, and a small time period to actually film therefore you have to be organized. You have to make sure have permits to film on location.
14. Why is the pre-production stage so important to the production process?
15. What are three important things to remember in the pre-production process? These could be related to the stage in general or the work of those performing specialist roles


16. What is the production stage also known as? (Think about its purpose)Shooting of the script
17. What are some tasks done in the production stage? Lighting, camera alteration, sound.
18. What are three important things to remember in the production process? These could be related to the stage in general or the work of those performing specialist roles.
That the shooting schedule is followed very closely. Safety issues, keep the set clean.
19. What does ‘continuity’ mean? Why is it an important consideration of the production stage?
Making sure that certain items and objects are still in the same place all the time. Making sure the actor is wearing the same costume in every shot.


20. What is one of the major tasks completed in post-production?
Shooting the project, time management, quality control. Compromise is essential, health and safety is critical.
21. What is the difference between an off-line edit and an online edit?
22. What are some of the tasks done by an editor?
Sound mixing, working with dicrector, getting approval by producer and director.
23. What task is done after an edit? What is the purpose A sound mix. In post prodution the editor adjusts sound so they are correctly balanced

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Raiders of the Lost Arc Disscussion of Mise En scene

The genre of this film is action adventure. An action adventure is usually really dramatic with fast, close up and wide angle shots. This helps put an emphasis on the drama as that is what is required in an action adventure. The lighting in this movie is dark, making it more mysterious again putting an emphasis on the drama. The different temperatures of the light also help enhance that cool, creepy and scary emotions that they were trying to portray. The style of acting is over acting and over the top to give a greater meaning to the movie and to get you involved. He is always with his whip and hat that help create his character.

This movie is a romantic comedy. Shot types used at the start of the clip were close ups to enhance the emotion and wide-long to create an atmosphere. Mood lighting creates that sense of romance in the park it moonlight was used to create a intimate feel.

Style Of Acting
The style of acting was simple and funny, going along with the romantic comedy genre.

The clothes in the film are normal making you relate to the film. The brownie was a metaphor and used as a prop to reveal the background of the characters and reveal more about them. The fence was used to reveal the characters personalities it made Will seem nervous and kind whereas Anna was strong and determined. The wheelchair again helps the audience see Anna as not just a movie star and that she was more grounded. The chair in the park was a symbol of two people who had experienced a life long love, and maybe that was what Will and Anna could have?

The lighting in the park made it look like a summers night as the warm moonlight made it seem more romantic.

The park plays a role in the scene as it is the center point of what happens and where they basically fall in love.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lighting: In the boiler room at the start is almost just normal, however when the ice berg hits the colour the lighting is warm and red creating a sense of emgerancy and worry.
The Genre is a historical romance
Props: The watch tower, the ice berg, the propeller and the machinery.

This image of a man is a low angle, wide shot. The shadow creeping up on his face makes him seem scary.

This image of the mad hatter is a close up. This image of the mad hatter is the first image of the tea party scene. This crazy image sets the crazy mood of the tea party, his appearance also enhances the crazy feel.

The camera angle is low angle and long-wide. The intention of this shot is possibly to instill a sense of alienation and anxiety. The angle helps enhance this meaning as it is makes it more dramatic.

This shop is medium to a close up. The angle of this shot is a low angle and over the shoulder shot. The intention of this shot is to create a sense of domination and power. The size of the queens power is portrayed through the side of her head. The expression of her face is scary and it portrays her as mean and powerful. The dark in the background again puts the Queen in a bad light whereas light shines on the frog portraying it as good.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

This is the combination of all the visual element within the frame (frame:the physical boundary that contains what the audience sees)

Camera Movement

This film is a foreign action film. They built up the camera movement to create suspense for more dramatic effect. The camera speed fasten and slows down to enhance the action of the dance.

Cinematography is like painting light in the dark. Cinematographers are like psychiatrists. The cinematographer can make viable whats in your mind or they can get in touch with your mind. They move the audience to think. They visually represent a story.

A shot is a continuous piece of filming without interruption from the time the camera is turned on and starts filming until it is turned off.
In general most shots last for no more than about 10 seconds

An edit is a break in the film where on shot ends and the next shot begins.
The four common types of edit are
Wipes (occasionally)

Why learn how to read film?
So that we can engage with the film visually.

Cineama is a visual art form. Cinema is not literature. A film is not a novel.

However, a film is a text,just as a play, poem or novel is a text.
Although the storyline is essential, when reading a film you must be able to examine, interpret and analyse the visual elements and style.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A shot is a continuous piece of filming without interruption from the time the camera is turned on and starts filming until it is turned off.

An edit is a break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins.