Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Raiders of the Lost Arc Disscussion of Mise En scene

The genre of this film is action adventure. An action adventure is usually really dramatic with fast, close up and wide angle shots. This helps put an emphasis on the drama as that is what is required in an action adventure. The lighting in this movie is dark, making it more mysterious again putting an emphasis on the drama. The different temperatures of the light also help enhance that cool, creepy and scary emotions that they were trying to portray. The style of acting is over acting and over the top to give a greater meaning to the movie and to get you involved. He is always with his whip and hat that help create his character.

This movie is a romantic comedy. Shot types used at the start of the clip were close ups to enhance the emotion and wide-long to create an atmosphere. Mood lighting creates that sense of romance in the park it moonlight was used to create a intimate feel.

Style Of Acting
The style of acting was simple and funny, going along with the romantic comedy genre.

The clothes in the film are normal making you relate to the film. The brownie was a metaphor and used as a prop to reveal the background of the characters and reveal more about them. The fence was used to reveal the characters personalities it made Will seem nervous and kind whereas Anna was strong and determined. The wheelchair again helps the audience see Anna as not just a movie star and that she was more grounded. The chair in the park was a symbol of two people who had experienced a life long love, and maybe that was what Will and Anna could have?

The lighting in the park made it look like a summers night as the warm moonlight made it seem more romantic.

The park plays a role in the scene as it is the center point of what happens and where they basically fall in love.

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