Sunday, January 30, 2011

This is the combination of all the visual element within the frame (frame:the physical boundary that contains what the audience sees)

Camera Movement

This film is a foreign action film. They built up the camera movement to create suspense for more dramatic effect. The camera speed fasten and slows down to enhance the action of the dance.

Cinematography is like painting light in the dark. Cinematographers are like psychiatrists. The cinematographer can make viable whats in your mind or they can get in touch with your mind. They move the audience to think. They visually represent a story.

A shot is a continuous piece of filming without interruption from the time the camera is turned on and starts filming until it is turned off.
In general most shots last for no more than about 10 seconds

An edit is a break in the film where on shot ends and the next shot begins.
The four common types of edit are
Wipes (occasionally)

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