Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Film Evaluation

Film Synopsis:

Sunshine. The smell of the warm, salty, air. As you walk down the sand to the waters edge, you feel the cool water on your toes. IT sounds like paradise. Although something are to good to be true. As Kate and Levi win a competition and a holiday to an uninhabited island they are beyond excited. The couple soon discover that they are not the only people on the island. They are soon put to the test as they fight for their life on the holiday from hell.

Has your film been edited to engage the audience initially and to establish the tone of the piece?

Initially the tones in the film were very harsh and somewhat represented normal life. However I wanted to create a sense of dream and mystery, softer tones were then need to create this. The contrast and brightness was changed to create the soft feeling.

What are you going to do to engage the audience? Describe the sounds, lighting, shot types and effects that fit with the genre of your film and how you will incorporate these at the start of your film.

Different angles are important as they ensure that the audience connects as they feel that they get a good idea of the environment that is getting filmed. Sound is important as it sets the mood for the audience it usually the first thing that the audience connects with.

Have you carefully chosen audio to suit the pace of the project?
Describe the audio and the pace

I had the audio in mind when filming the film. As I had an idea of what I wanted to shoot. The pace is very slow and clam creating a strong mood for the film.

Describe the pace of your music and the type of shots (close-up, mid, high, etc) that you will be creating to fit with the music

Have you included credits at the start or end of your film?
What information should be included here?

No. They were not needed

Is the film edited to appropriately suit the rhythm of the scene? Describe the use of techniques such as selective timing and length of shots (either action or sound)

Yes. The change of scene is appropriate to the music.

Emotional intention
Have you edited the footage to create heightened expression and audience responses? Describe how you are going to achieve this. i.e. cross dissolves, graphic matches, effects etc

I used dissolves in order create that free flowing sense between each scene. Therefore adding to the mood of the film.

Editing techniques
Have you created links between shots and throughout the film to emotionally engage the viewer with your story ( i.e. is your film tied together through theme, colour, story, objects etc?)

No they weren't needed.

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