Wednesday, May 11, 2011

1. What Genre will you be creating a poster for?

2. What colour scheme would suit this particular genre?
The colour scheme is cool tones as it features different shades of blue and green.
3. What texures and type of shapes would best suit this genre?
There are a range of textures within the image most are rough due to the trees and some are soft due to the clouds and the water.
4. Who is the intended audience for your website?
People who are interested in traveling to different places.
5. After looking at the websites
Da Font OR 1001 FONTS
Which fonts would suit your film genre?
Something that is bold or block letters as it would create a good contrast between the organic shapes in the image.

What is an appropriate title for your film?

Slogan: "From where you would rather be"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reflection on possible career opportunities in the media industry

Such careers in the media industry include, animation, game design, web content, art design, graphic design, video, music and presentation. Essentially, multimedia encompasses anything involving text, graphic art, video, music and animation. These are usually computer-generated and are creative, catchy, memorable, and will try to appeal to multiple senses. The purpose of multimedia is to produce content for entertainment, presentation or advertising.

Discuss an issue of concern in the industry and include an article in your journal e.g. Privacy, copyright laws, viruses,

Cyber bullying

This article from the Melbourne Age reveals the dangerous world of social network and how it is used by bullies. The growth in media has enabled such things to take place. Bullying is becoming easier as it allows the bully to get to their victim without a face to face confrontation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bitmap: Pixelates as zoom in
Vector: Stays clear when you soom in

Logo Design:

Pixels per inch and the clarity of the screen.

Htm: refers to website files HTML is the code of which is used to create websites

Copyright Laws:

10% of the original. After 50yrs the artwork can be appropriated.

Your Brain and Technology
I rely on my phone, computer and i use those things to be social, entertainment and school work.

Pros and Cons

Pro you would talk to people face to face
Con you dont talk to people face to face
Pro Connect the world


You have to be creative in order to succeed these days. As knowledge is not so important anymore.

Everyone is becoming fat and lazy due to the fact that technology is becoming so convenient.